Terdapat catatan tentang seorang Raja Champa bernama A-da-a-zhe (阿荅阿者), "Raja di Raja" (JK Whitmore, 2011), dalam rekod Maharaja Ming (Ming Shi-lu) (MSL). Beliau direkodkan menghantar utusan ufti ke Cina dari tahun 1369 hingga 1390. Adalah dipercayai sosok ini adalah Raja Champa yang dikenali sebagai Che Bong Nga, Po Binasuor atau Sultan Zainal Abidin yang memerintah Kerajaan Melayu Champa dari 1360 hingga beliau mangkat pada 1390.
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Gambar 1 - Grafik: Che Bong Nga & Peta Kerajaan Champa dalam Civilization V oleh Janboruta, Leugi & Sukritact. |
Sekiranya benar, MSL ada merekodkan kata-kata ucapan beliau yang diabadikan di atas kepingan emas berbentuk daun berukuran 12 x 17 inci. Ianya telah dijadikan sebahagian dari hadiah ufti kepada Maharaja Hong-wu pada lawatan ufti bertarikh 5.9.1371. Kata-kata beliau ditulis dalam askara Cham dan diterjemah ke Bahasa Cina dalam MSL, dan kemudian diterjemah Geoffrey Wade (1994) ke Bahasa Inggeris seperti berikut:
"The great Ming Emperor has ascended the throne and pacified all within the four seas. He is like the Heaven and the Earth which cover and contain all, and like the sun and moon which shed their rays on all. In comparison, A-da-a-zhe is like a piece of grass. The Emperor favoured me by sending an envoy to give me a gold seal and enfeoff me as the king of the country. I am grateful and elated, and will remain so forever. However, at present, Annam is using arms to attack our borders. They have killed and plundered officials and the people. I humbly pray that the Emperor will be compassionate and confer upon me military weapons, musical instruments and musicians. Thus, Annam will know that our Champa is a region to which [China's] culture extends and is a place which provides tribute to China. Thereafter, Annam will not dare to oppress or maltreat us."
Secara ringkasnya, warkah emas ini penuh dengan puji-pujian terhadap Maharaja Ming yang dikatakan ibarat cakerawala, manakala Raja Champa tersebut mengibaratkan dirinya hanya sebagai sehelai rumput. Nilai budaya dan sifat hormat menghormati dan merendah diri terserlah dalam bahasa yang digunakan oleh Che Bong Nga yang mendahului tujuan warkah emas itu iaitu untuk mendapat perlindungan dari serangan Annam.
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Gambar 2 - Peninggalan kuil Champa |
Hasilnya, Maharaja Hong-wu bersetuju mengeluarkan amaran pada Annam. Walaubagaimanapun, bantuan senjata tidak diberikan. Berkenaan permintaan ahli muzik, Kerajaan Ming hanya bersetuju melatih orang Champa tentang permainan alat muzik Cina. MSL mencatat respon Kerajaan Ming seperti berikut:
The Emperor was impressed by their wishes. When Da-ban Gua-bu-nong was about to leave the Court, the Emperor ordered the Secretariat to send a despatch to the king of the country, saying: "Maintaining good relations with neighbours is truly the avenue for protecting one's territory. Being loyal in one's service of the superior is the way to fulfil one's obligations as minister. Both Champa and Annam serve the Court and both acknowledge the Court's calendar. But now, without authority, arms have been taken up and there has been great loss of life. This shows failure in the duty of serving the Emperor and failure in properly handling relations with neighbours. I have already sent a despatch to the king of Annam ordering the immediate cessation of hostilities. Your countries should also both protect your own borders. As to your request for military weapons, how could I begrudge you this! However, this is a struggle between Champa and Annam and if the Court gives arms only to Champa, this would assist you in attacking them. This would be extremely incompatible with my duty of bringing peace. As to your request for musical instruments and musicians, although in music there is no distinction between China and outsiders, there is a difference between Chinese and yi languages. Thus, there would be difficulties in sending that which you requested. If there are people in your country who are versed in the Chinese language and can be trained in music, you should select several of them and send them to the capital for training." An Imperial command was also sent to the Fu-jian Branch Secretariat, noting that all the goods on the sea-going ships of Champa be exempted from taxes, as an expression of concern and kindness.
Jika dirujuk silang dengan sejarah Champa yang diketahui umum, episod dalam MSL ini berkesinambungan dengan cerita pergolakan antara Annam (Dai Viet) dengan Champa yang dinukil dalam 'Syair Siti Zubaidah Perang Cina' iaitu berkisar tentang pergolakan antara Champa dan Annam yang dipanggil "Cina" dalam syair tersebut.
Jelas dalam MSL, Kerajaan Ming di Cina tidak bermusuhan dengan Champa ketika itu. Malah MSL mencatatkan ufti Champa pada 2.12.1391 telah ditolak di mana Maharaja Hong-Wu tidak mengiktiraf persembahan yang diberikan kerana ketika itu Champa ditadbir oleh pembesar Champa bernama "Ge-sheng" yang telah membunuh Raja Champa yang sebenar.
1. Wade, Geoffrey,. 1994. The Ming Shi-lu (veritable records of the Ming Dynasty) as a source for Southeast Asian history, 14th to 17th centuries.
2. Whitmore J.K., (2011). 'The Last Great King of Classical Southeast Asia: Chê Bông Nga and Fourteenth-Century Champa',
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